Thursday, March 10, 2011

Create a Git Branch at a commit, Cherry-pick a commit

Git is very powerful and flexible. I simple love GIT

To create a new branch at a specific commit, is very simple

step1 : find out the Commit Point

$git log –oneline –decorate –graph

* 5da8d22 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) adding the amazonfps versio
* 249e8f2 Remote the views and controllers files from plugin, first official rel
* 1859484 add some comments
* 51510a3 Moved the .git directory to inside from outside The plugin is now work
* ef5f694 initial checkin for amazonfps plugin
* 316cc21 removed mail.jar and mail jndi for morp support
* a7c2694 changed grailsplugin to comment jndimailsession, which was causing pro
* 9e9aab2 add the morph deploy jars
* b5c1b31 initial checkin
* 0ad0cd6 first commit

Step2 : BranchOut

git branch devbranch ef5f694

Will create a gitbranch at that commit point

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